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Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

What is EVV System for Home Care

EVV, or Electronic Visit Verification, is a system used in the home care industry to verify that home care services have been provided as scheduled and documented. It is typically used by home care agencies and other organizations that provide in-home care to individuals, such as the elderly, people with disabilities, and those who are recovering from an illness or surgery.

EVV systems typically involve the use of electronic devices, such as smartphones or tablets, to record and verify the delivery of home care services. Caregivers may use these devices to check in and out of a client's home, record the start and end time of a visit, and document the services provided during the visit. The EVV system may also require caregivers to take photographs or record audio or video to verify that the services were provided as intended.

EVV systems are designed to help home care agencies improve the accuracy and efficiency of their record-keeping, reduce fraud and abuse, and ensure that clients receive the care they need in a timely and consistent manner. They may also be used to track the hours worked by caregivers and to generate reports on the services provided.

Why EVV is important for home health care agencies?

Electronic Visit Verification is the use of technology to confirm that services billed for by home care, personal care, and day program providers were actually delivered as described. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule in January 2016 requiring states to have EVV in place for all Medicaid personal care services and day program services by January 1, 2019.

The goal of EVV is to reduce provider fraud, waste, and abuse by ensuring that the correct individuals are receiving the correct services for which they are billed. EVV also helps to ensure that service recipients receive the appropriate level of care.

What are the 3 biggest benefits of Electronic Visit Verification for patients and providers?

There are many benefits of Electronic Visit Verification for patients and providers. EVV is a system that uses GPS technology to verify the location and time of service delivery. This information can be used to ensure that services are being delivered as scheduled, and also to track billable hours for reimbursement purposes. EVV can also provide valuable data about patient visit patterns, which can be used to improve care planning and coordination.


Patients and providers can benefit from EVV in 3 unique ways.


  • First, EVV can help make sure that patients receive the care they need when they need it. If a caregiver has an appointment with a homecare patient / client, EVV can help confirm that the caregiver arrived on time and provided the services as scheduled. This can help patients feel more confident that they are receiving the care they need and that their provider who is arranging caregiver services is reliable.
  • Second, EVV can provide valuable data that can be used to improve patient care. EVV systems track when and where services are being provided, as well as how long each visit lasts. This information can be used to identify patterns in patient visits, and can help care providers better understand the needs of their patients. This information can also be used to improve care coordination among different caregivers, and to make sure that patients are receiving the most appropriate care possible.
  • Third, EVV can help reduce fraud and abuse in the delivery of homecare services. EVV systems can help confirm that services were actually provided as billed, and can help make sure that patients are receiving the care they need. This can help to ensure that homecare providers are billing for services that were actually delivered and paying the caregivers accordingly, and can also help to prevent fraud and abuse in the delivery of homecare services.
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What are the 5 steps providers and agencies can take for a successful EVV implementation?

There are a few key things that providers and agencies should do in order to prepare for EVV implementation:

  • Review the requirements for EVV set forth by your state Medicaid program. Each state has slightly different federal and state requirements, so it’s important to be aware of what is required in order to ensure compliance.
  • Make sure that your billing and scheduling systems are capable of transmitting accurate real-time visit data to the EVV system.
  • Train staff on how to use the EVV system and how to correctly enter visit data into the system.
  • Develop processes and protocols for handling errors or disputes that may occur with the EVV system.
  • Anticipate possible disruptions during the EVV implementation process, and plan accordingly.

By taking these steps, providers and agencies can help ensure a smooth transition to EVV and minimize any disruptions in service delivery.

What are the 3 ways EVV can impact the future of home health care?
The deployment of Electronic Visit Verification systems is regarded as a key development in the evolution of home health care. EVV promises to bring significant improvements in the quality and delivery of care, while also reducing costs.


There are several ways in which EVV can impact the future of home health care.

  • One way is by increasing transparency and accountability in care delivery. EVV systems can track when caregiver visits occur, how long they last, and what services were provided. This information can be used to monitor individual caregivers, evaluate overall program performance, and identify potential areas for improvement.
  • Another way that EVV can improve home health care is by reducing administrative burdens on caregivers and agencies. For example, EVV systems can automate the documentation and billing of care visits, which can free up caregivers to spend more time on direct patient care. In addition, EVV systems can help agencies manage large caseloads more effectively, by providing real-time visibility into caregiver visit patterns and patient needs.
  • Finally, EVV can help to improve the quality of care by ensuring that patients receive the services they need, when they need them. EVV systems can help to confirm that care visits are occurring as scheduled, and that patients are receiving the services they need. This information can be used to make necessary adjustments to care plans, and to ensure that patients receive the highest quality of care possible.

Electronic Visit Verification is expected to have a significant impact on the future of home health care. By increasing transparency and accountability, reducing administrative burdens, and improving the quality of care, EVV has the potential to improve the delivery of home health care services overall.

What are the 3 challenges of EVV implementation?

When looking to implement EVV (Electronic Visit Verification), there are generally three common challenges that must be considered.

  • First, you must have a clear and robust process for tracking and verifying visits. This process must be designed to meet the specific needs of your organization and the people you serve.
  • Secondly, you need to have the technological infrastructure in place to support EVV. This includes ensuring that all staff members have access to the necessary technology and that data is properly stored and secured.
  • Finally, you need to consider how EVV will impact your staff, clients, and other stakeholders. You will need to ensure that everyone involved understands how EVV works and the potential benefits and challenges of its implementation.

With careful planning and execution, EVV can help improve the quality and delivery of home health care services

How does electronic visit verification (EVV) work?

Electronic visit verification (EVV) is a cutting-edge system used by healthcare providers to ensure that caregivers are delivering the services they were hired for. With EVV, caregivers utilize an app on their phone or tablet to check in and out of visits with clients. This innovative technology records their GPS location, start and end times of visits, as well as the specific services provided – from administering medication to preparing meals.

By seamlessly transmitting this data to the healthcare provider, EVV guarantees that services were not only rendered but also accurately billed. Moreover, it serves as a powerful tool against fraud and abuse by verifying that caregivers are physically present during service delivery. Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to peace of mind with EVV!


Does EVV track your location?

EVV systems may track your location for work verification purposes, raising potential privacy concerns. It’s important to understand how your data is being used and ensure that proper safeguards are in place to protect your personal information. Electronic visit verification (EVV) systems do not usually keep track of where a caregiver is all the time. Most of the time, EVV systems only know where a caregiver is when they check in and out of a client’s visit.


Effective care coordination is crucial in the implementation of EVV systems, which are rapidly gaining importance in healthcare. With CaryFy’s comprehensive EVV solution, not only do we meet all the necessary requirements, but we also empower caregivers with enhanced coordination capabilities to ensure exceptional quality outcomes.

Trust CaryFy to deliver a comprehensive EVV solution with advanced features that can help you achieve your goals.