Schedule time with me

Empower your operations with Caryfy’s AI-driven powerful features.

Who We Help


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Trusted by leading Medicaid based HCBS providers

Create an account

All you need is an email address and phone number that is registered with your employer.
icon on how to create account in Caryfy AI - Software for Caregiver
icon of clock in and out in homecare

Clock in and out

You can use the app to record your office work and break hours. Perfect solution for a ”contact less” attendance solution.

Access Messages

Be in the know with everything with access to all messages, reminders and business alerts accessible within the mobile and web app.
icon of how to access messages in Caryfy Caregiver mobile App
icon to show how to interact with homecare prospects

Add Interactions with Prospects

Never miss any details of what was discussed with a prospective clients or family member, record your notes in the app.

Contact Details

Plan your day with all relevant details like phone numbers and addresses of your customers and prospects accessible in mobile and web app.
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Be your Best

With an AI based assistant and in-built automation, you will always have right information at your disposal before things get complicated. Now is the time to shine.
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